Thursday, January 3, 2013

Random New Year

It's New Year. Happy New Year! Hope you had a good celebration. Mine was made a day earlier due to a few things. So on the 31st we went to church which I think a good start for the new year.

I'm back in campus and I don't feel good yet. But today is so much better than the first day. It was hard to accept the fact that I was leaving on new year. If I could postpone the date I would've. Oh well. At least things are doing well for me.

I think I lost myself these few days. Things suddenly felt too hard for me. Things were doing fine that nothing can stop me from coming a little later to this place. I lost my writing mood, I lost my appetite, and I think I lost my sanity too.

Right now I'm having instant noodle. I'm not craving. I think my appetite is coming back but I also think that this is due to homesickness. Talking about food, I really need to watch what I eat. I have to lose the extra number I gained during the holiday. Mehh...I ate what I wanted at home and here I have to be really careful.

I kinda feeling bad because my roommate had an accident so she's not coming until next week. I feel bad because I enjoy having the room for me alone. I feel so free. I can act as crazy as I want and let my tension burst out whenever I want. It just feel so good. I'm sorry roommate.

To tell you the truth, I don't really know what I'm writing. I just feel like I should write and now is the time for it. So I think I should end this here. Happy New Year and wish you'll have a good year.

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