Sunday, January 15, 2012


I just loved last night when all of us suddenly do random doodling. It reminds on my school life. I remember one of my friend drew my face, 90 % similar to my face. I was in form 2. Till now I still keep it in my notebook at home. I used most of my time in school doodling if teachers are not around and I got nothing to do. No, I actually doodle even when the teachers are teaching. I just can't focus when I'm not doodling. I guess doodling make my listening better.
Last night was just lovely. Except that when I doodle, it turned out to be worst than kindergarten's drawing. I guess I didn't doodle as much as I did before.  But never mind, I think I know my second goal this year, to regain my drawing skill...or doodle skill. haha.
Thank you for all of you, it brings me to the old times.