Thursday, November 17, 2011

#100 post and I'm dedicating it to you

Now I understand why people hug
It feels warm

Heyy, I really love our friendship. When you said that you're going to move, I really wished that you were joking.   But I believe it anyway.  I started to hope that your application will be rejected. Then I started to think how selfish I was. You are our dearest friend! I wish all the best for you and may success accompany you along your path.
Though things will change
Nothing will change the Fact that you were once our classmate and the fact that
 our friendship is awesome!
Your place in my heart can't be replaced.
Keep being yourself, friend! I expect another 'Hi' between us. So I wish that time will bring us together sometimes. 
Adieu for now, till we meet again!